


Working principle and application of hose pump: The hose is arranged in a U-shape in the pump body. When the rotating body drives the extrusion wheel to rotate, the extrusion hose is elastically deformed by the extrusion wheel, and then the suction port forms a negative pressure suction slurry. By the push of the squeeze wheel, the slurry is discharged from the discharge port, forming a pressure transfer of the slurry. Industrial hose pumps are mainly used for the long-distance transportation of viscous slurry in the fields of construction, underground engineering, mining, food, papermaking, ceramics, metering pumping, pressure grouting, spraying, etc.


此型软管泵整体结构设计先进,采用外装动、静环式机械密封,可直接水冲洗,耐高压,不易磨损,无泄漏。 体积小,流量大,扬程压力高,适用长距离与高阻力定量输送。 <br />
泵的叶轮与传动齿轮分开,且在泵腔内各零配件之间保证一定的间隙,相互不接触,无磨损,低噪音,可靠性好,使用寿命长,节能降耗。<br />
